Premium Services Company

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Advanced Package: Job Application Support with Resume Tailoring and Recruiter Contact

Our Advanced Package offers the ultimate job application support experience. We apply for 20 jobs on behalf of the client, tailor their resume to highlight their relevant skills and experience for each position, and contact recruiters directly to express their desire for the position.

Who is it for?

Our Advanced Package is perfect for job seekers who want to take their job search to the next level. By contacting recruiters directly and tailoring their resume for each job application, clients can stand out from other applicants and increase their chances of landing a job interview.


The Pros of Our Service:

  • Personalized resume tailoring: We tailor your resume to highlight your relevant skills and experience for each job application.
  • Recruiter contact: We contact recruiters directly to express your desire for the position and maximize your chances of getting a job.
  • Increased chances of success: By tailoring your resume and contacting recruiters directly, you increase your chances of landing a job interview and ultimately getting hired.
  • Expert application support: We handle the entire application process, including submitting your resume and any required materials.

Take your job search to the next level with our Advanced Package. Contact us today to schedule a call and learn more

Interview rates 55%
Job Offers 30%
Interview rates 70%
Job Offers 45%


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