Premium Services Company

We’re 24/7 Hours Service Provider!


We don’t just help you apply for jobs. We help you land them


PSC offers various packages to cater to the diverse needs of our clients. Our packages start at a competitive price of $150 per month. Each package is designed to provide a comprehensive set of services to support and enhance your job search journey. Depending on your preferences and requirements, we can guide you towards the best package choice during our initial consultation.
The timeline for results largely depends on the budget allocated for the job search. However, on average, with a well-sized budget, our clients typically begin receiving interview invitations towards the end of the second month or the beginning of the third month. It's important to remember that job search outcomes can vary based on individual profiles and market conditions. Our commitment is to make the process as efficient and effective as possible for every client.
Absolutely! Your preferences and requirements are paramount to us. We engage in a detailed discussion with you to understand each and every requirement you have regarding potential job roles and companies. Rest assured, we never deviate from these specified criteria. This ensures that every application we send out on your behalf aligns perfectly with your aspirations and career goals.
PSC is a specialized career service tailored for university students, fresh grads, and international scholars. Our unique approach focuses on three pillars: bulk job applications using advanced search technology, strategic networking on platforms like LinkedIn, and exclusive networking strategies designed for maximum impact. Through our services, we aim to bridge the gap between your academic achievements and your dream job, ensuring a smoother transition into the workforce.
PSC stands out in its dedicated focus on students, fresh grads, and international scholars. Unlike generic job services, we go beyond just applying for jobs. We use advanced technology to tap directly into company websites, bypassing generic job boards. Additionally, every application undergoes a rigorous three-tier quality check to ensure it aligns perfectly with your aspirations. Our personalized LinkedIn outreach and unique networking strategies set us apart, ensuring a holistic approach to your job search.
Our LinkedIn outreach is a five-step process. We begin by identifying the right person to contact for each job application. An initial message team crafts a rapport-based strategy to initiate meaningful conversations. This message is double-checked by our quality control team before being sent out by the outreach team. Our communication experts then handle recruiter responses, leveraging every opportunity, including rejections, to maximize your chances for an interview or referral.
Absolutely! PSC has a track record of successfully placing international students with companies that not only appreciate global talent but are also willing to sponsor. We understand the unique challenges international scholars face, and our tailored strategies aim to address and overcome these challenges effectively.
PSC believes that in today's job market, making a personal connection can set you apart. Our exclusive strategies include activities like attending niche conferences, making direct phone calls to firms, leveraging online connections, and even crafting your own job fairs. With PSC, it's about creating opportunities rather than waiting for them.
Starting with PSC is simple! Click on the "Book Now" button on our website to schedule a consultation. This initial meeting will help us understand your aspirations, preferences, and goals, ensuring we tailor our services perfectly for you.
At PSC, client satisfaction is paramount. If you ever feel the services aren't meeting your expectations, please reach out to our support team. We're committed to addressing any concerns and ensuring that your journey with us is both productive and satisfying.
PSC stands out because of our exclusive focus on university students, fresh grads, and international scholars. We offer a blend of bulk job applications, strategic networking, and unparalleled networking strategies. Beyond just applying, we emphasize quality, ensuring every application sent is not only tailored but also ATS-friendly and unique. Furthermore, our online reporting system keeps you updated in real-time, showcasing our commitment to transparency.
We are confident in our process and, for certain packages, we do offer guarantees and full refunds if you don't secure a job. It's essential to review the specifics of each package to understand the terms. Our priority is your success, and we're committed to going the extra mile to support your job search journey.
PSC employs advanced job search software that delves directly into company websites, bypassing regular job boards. This proactive approach ensures we find those exclusive opportunities that might remain hidden from most job seekers.
Client privacy is paramount at PSC. We uphold rigorous data protection protocols, ensuring your information is never shared without explicit consent. Our secure online systems are fortified with the latest security measures, keeping your data safeguarded at all times.
Of course! We recognize the evolving nature of job preferences. Should you wish to modify your requirements, simply communicate the changes, and we'll realign our strategy accordingly.
Our initial consultation is a comprehensive session to grasp your career goals, preferences, and objectives. Here, we discuss potential roles, target companies, and specific criteria. It's a foundational step, ensuring our services are impeccably aligned with your vision.
Yes, PSC offers resume crafting services. We design your resume to be ATS-friendly, ensuring it passes automated systems while retaining a unique flair to make you stand out in your job search.
PSC prides itself on customization. Our three-tier quality control system ensures alignment with your aspirations. Our applications are crafted to be ATS-friendly, and each one is tailored to highlight your unique strengths and fit for the role.
PSC has catered to a plethora of industries and roles, thanks to our diverse clientele. While we specialize in aiding students, fresh grads, and international scholars across sectors, specific industry preferences are addressed and strategized during our consultation.
At PSC, transparency is a virtue we uphold. Clients have 24/7 access to our online reports detailing every action taken on their behalf. This ensures you remain informed and can review the progress at any time.

As a new graduate, it can be very challenging to get your first job. You may be competing against experienced candidates with established networks and a track record of success. Even if you have excelled academically and have a strong resume, it can still be difficult to stand out in a crowded job market.

Are you tired of applying to multiple jobs with the same generic resume and not hearing back from any of them? It might be time to tailor your resume to each specific job application.

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The job search process can be an intimidating and overwhelming task, especially if you feel like the competition is too fierce or that you’re not getting anywhere. From crafting resumes and cover letters to filling out applications – not to mention preparing for interviews – this process is time consuming and often leads to rejections without even getting an interview.

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Before applying for a job or going to an interview, it’s important to research the company you are interested in. Conducting research on a company can give you valuable insights into its culture, values, and goals, which can help you tailor your application and interview to better fit the company’s needs. 

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Researching a company is crucial for a successful job search. It provides insights into their culture, mission, values, and products/services. This helps tailor your application and interview to align with the company’s goals, increasing your chances of landing the job.

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When it comes to job hunting, your resume is your ticket to the interview. However, to increase your chances of landing the job, it’s essential to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for.

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Are you having difficulty securing interview invitations despite having the right skills and experience? You’re not alone. Many qualified candidates encounter this challenge during their job search. At our company, we understand this frustration and want to help. In this article, we explore common reasons why qualified candidates struggle to land interviews and provide insights to help you overcome these obstacles

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If you’re not already connected with recruiters on LinkedIn, it can be a challenge to establish a connection. Nevertheless, there are alternative approaches to connecting with recruiters and achieving your career goals.
Once your payment is successfully processed, you’ll receive a confirmation email from us detailing the next steps for your selected package. This email is your gateway to kickstarting the services you’ve chosen. It will guide you through any initial information we need from you, how to access your personalized dashboard (if applicable), and how to schedule your first session or consultation with our team. Rest assured, we’re committed to making the process as smooth and straightforward as possible, ensuring you can start benefiting from our services right away. Keep an eye on your inbox for this important email, and you’re on your way to achieving your career goals with PSC WORK.
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